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My childhood was steeped in photography and sport. It was only natural for my passion to become my career.

As a professional sports photographer for more than 25 years, my projects have taken me all over the world, from Australia to the United States, South Africa, Europe, China and countless other countries. And then one day I landed in Biarritz, France .

I went there for a week to cover a women’s surf competition, spending my days on the famous Côte des Basques coastline. Before I knew it, I was hooked!

Since then, I’ve never really left and spend a good part of the year living there.

I’ve gathered these images over the years and the idea of exhibiting them, of sharing them, seemed like an obvious next step. This is how “L’Heure Bleue” (The Blue Hour) came about.

Why this name? Not only is it an evocative name, but it’s also – and especially – a very unique moment of the day for any photographer. At this magical twilight hour when the sky becomes a deep blue color, these few minutes are an invitation to photography...

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